Vivianne To is a graphic designer currently located in Los Angeles county. She is passionate about packaging, typography, art direction and 3D. She strives to always keep on learning and experimenting within the field of design and more.
Sophisticated, a bit whimsical yet experimental, my logo represents myself as a designer and as a person. It holds the qualities I would like to explore further in my future works as well.
Tú by maye, Instantané by Paradis, Movie by Tom Misch, Avant-Garde by Lemin, I Never Thought I’d See The Day by Quasar. 🎶 There are many more, but I love how these songs allow my mind to fantasize and wander.
I recently started keeping a journal, prompting me to write more and I can’t wait to read all my thoughts when I am older. It’s definitely going to be embarrassing, but also interesting to see how I may have changed throughout the years. Other than journaling, I also enjoy traveling, reading, hanging out with friends and family as well as watching sports!
Actually, my initial plan was to study accounting, but I’ve always been interested in arts and design. Then in high school, I had the chance to take a graphic design elective class and that is when my interest started. The class was demanding, but I loved the challenge, the research and process that led to its final results.